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Capto EZ education - Free Course
Introduction (1 min)
Capto EZ Introduction with JB Capto Coach (0:55)
Attaching and Connecting the Capto Sensor (8 min)
Attaching the Capto EZ to the Putter shaft (1:18)
Connecting Sensor to Device (0:59)
Bubble Calibration (2:30)
Notion platform (1:09)
Settings (4 min)
Settings overview (3:03)
Favorites Stroke List (1:48)
Bluetooth Connection (4:27)
Basic Data Explanation (35 min)
Data Parameters Introduction (1:00)
Face (4:01)
Shaft (2:32)
Lie (2:23)
Track (5:37)
Arc (4:15)
Tempo (3:36)
Energy Loss (3:02)
Impact Acceleration (4:19)
Target Modes (20 min)
Target Express (8:43)
Target Express 2 (2:58)
Target Mat - Single Target (5:05)
Target Mat - Guided Session (2:43)
Target Mat - History & Statistics (1:36)
Drills (25 min)
Face (2:41)
Shaft (2:36)
Lie (1:47)
Track (1:20)
Arc (1:25)
Energy Loss (1:08)
Acceleration (2:27)
Acceleration Tool (0:53)
Tempo (1:50)
Back Down Time (1:18)
Score (1:39)
Target (1:14)
Practice Routine (2:48)
Capto EZ version 95 intro (1:47)
Quiz (5 min)
Quiz answers
Outro (1 min)
Outro by JB (0:29)
Personal/Individual online Instruction/Coaching
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Personal/Individual online Instruction/Coaching
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